Our Yoga, Strength, and Core classes are perfect for complementing your workout and adding a necessary edge to your health and fitness (and your climbing!).
Check our schedule to plan your next class. Classes are included with your Day Pass admission. And as always, FREE! with membership.
Core 45

This class consists of 45 minutes of strengthening all aspects of our core. The variety of exercises and use of equipment will help strengthen the muscles in the abdomen, back, obliques, and more. Additional benefits include improving your balance and control on the wall during your climbing sessions.
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Edge Circuit 60

Push the edge of your fitness capacity in this 60 minute hard hitting circuit. Rotating cardio, strength, and agility stations will push your body to adapt to new levels of fitness.
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Strength + Stretch

A fusion of resistance and body weight exercises, yoga and foam roller stretches, and functional body movements. Class is designed to build muscle, increase flexibility, and reduce injury risk factors.
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Training for Climbers

Have fitness goals or projects to send? This 4-week, 8-session group fitness program will get you there! Coaches will guide participants through a variety of workouts and climbing based drills to improve fitness and endurance for climbing. Classes are conducted in a group setting where participants work together to improve their base fitness and work on climbing goals. Participants also receive guidance on continuing their training outside of the program.
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