Support Racial Justice

* A summary of social media messages distributed by Edgeworks in Summer 2020. *
Edgeworks stands in solidarity with those speaking out against systemic racism in our country, demanding justice and change.
In the days, weeks and months following George Floyd’s murder, Edgeworks staff and management took time to pause, read, listen, watch, learn, discuss and plan. Understanding that in order to instill the changes we want to see for Black people in our country, we must first explore and embrace the work of anti-racism ourselves. Work that is not always externally visible but critically important.
Accountability through visibility is also important.
For that reason, we began to share our action based initiatives on our website and social media. Additionally, we committed to continuing the use of our platforms to amplify BIPOC voices and representation in both the climbing community and outdoor spaces.
Our initiatives include: (updated 12/2022)
1. Share our DEI statement
2. Establish a staff-led DEI Advisory Committee
3. Provide staff education + resources
4. Review + update hiring practices
5. Support our community partners via collaborations: Climbers of Color all POC lead rope comp, BIPOC climb nights and free memberships for group organizers/volunteers.
6. Support our community partners via donations: Climbers of Color, Na’ah Illahee Fund, Wing Luke Museum, El Centro de la Raza
7. Support our community and partners via scholarships: Youth Programs, Summer Camps, BIPOC Guide Development Program, CoC BIPOC reduced rate membership
8. Promote inclusion through messaging, program development + representation
9. VOTE!
Stand Against Hatred: March 2021
In 2020 we marched, held signs and posted our DEI statements. Now, we will continue to hold ourselves accountable.
Since the start of the pandemic, there have been an unprecedented number of violent attacks against Asians, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in our communities, throughout the country and beyond. We can no longer stay silent. Help us to unite and rise above racism by calling out these injustices and bringing attention to them.
Additional information and resources can be found here.
Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
Diversity fuels the spirit of our staff and community. Our commitment to equity and inclusion across race, gender, age, religion, identity, and experience builds a culture where difference is valued, innovation thrives and adventure is accessible to all.
Our job as staff is to stay grounded in these initiatives and hold space for them through implementation, conversations and adaption. Perfectionism is not the goal; our work in these areas is ongoing.
If we misstep along the way, we invite you to correct us. Please feel free to reach out to our leadership staff here.