Summer Savings!
50% OFF 30-Day Intro Pass
Limited time only! Just $44.50 (regularly $89)
Our 30-day intro pass is the perfect purchase to help sweeten your summer and fill your Instagram with adventuresome photos of rock climbing — #havingfun and #lovingit! While the Intro Pass is not a full membership, it does include some of the same awesome perks like full access to our climbing walls, fitness classes and our 101 & 102: Intro to Climbing courses.
The deal gets even sweeter with 50% OFF the start-up fee if you decide to sign up for an EFT membership before your pass expires!
Seriously, don’t miss out on this great deal!
– No coupons necessary!
– Offer valid July 15 – August 15, 2017.
– 30-days starts from date of purchase.