Rock Climbing IS for Everyone


“Oh, climbing is too hard for me, I could never do that”, “I bet climbing takes alot of arm strength”, “I’m too overweight to climb.”  Working at a climbing gym, I hear these words all the time. My personal favorite is “I’ve got to get in shape BEFORE I rock climb.” 

In short, none of these things are true. These common misconceptions are created by a lack of understanding of rock climbing and encouraged by sensational media. Climbing is about using your legs to push you up the wall and using your arms for balance. When you see someone doing pull-ups on a climbing wall, they are either doing it wrong or doing some kind of specialized training that is unlikely to improve their climbing. If you use your legs to walk around, you have the strength it takes to rock climb!

The truth is anyone who can climb a flight of stairs can climb to the top of our wall. Our goal is to make sure everyone experiences success at Edgeworks. Give us an hour of your time and your confidence will be soaring – you’ll be shocked by what you achieve and by how engaged you are – mentally, physically and emotionally – while climbing. Even if you are afraid of heights, we’ve got a wall for you!

We’ve had every age between 3 and 83 climbing in our gym and every weight between 20 pounds and 350 pounds. We’ve had people who haven’t done anything “active” in 30 years get to the top of a route first try. We’ve had kids on our climbing team who had been told their whole life that they were uncoordinated (because they weren’t good at ball sports) compete at national climbing competitions.

By the way, on the opposite end of the spectrum, we have some routes that are hard enough that only a few people in Washington can climb them. 

That’s what makes climbing so great. Everyone can seek their own challenge that matches their current ability. Parents can have fun climbing with their kids, instead of being stuck on the sidelines watching. That’s why some of our members have been climbing for over 40 years!

At Edgeworks, we help people of any ability develop skills for a lifetime of fitness and recreation through climbing.

So next time you see that bank commercial with the couple standing on a cliff at dizzying heights or Tom Cruise dangling from an overhang with no ropes by one finger, remember, that’s NOT what we do here. Our goals are focused on fun, education and community building. Then we sneak in some exercise so you don’t notice that it’s a workout until the next day!

Adopt a Crag Event


Help show landowners and land managers that climbers truly care about the places they recreate.

This display of stewardship not only gives back to the land, but is paramount to keeping climbing areas open by showing decision makers the passion that climbers have for their climbing areas.

Where: Vantage/Frenchman Coulee
 Vantage Toilet Celebration & Adopt a Crag
When:  Saturday, May 10, 2014
Hosted by:  Washington Climbers Coalition
Details:  Come celebrate the construction of a new toilet by lending a helping hand!!!

Clean Up & Trail work – 9am-3pm
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony – 3:30pm
BBQ – 4pm-ish

Volunteers please show up at 8:45am to fill out paperwork. All volunteers MUST wear work appropriate gear which includes closed toed shoes, a climbing helmet, gloves (we’ll have extra’s if you don’t have any), and pants. We also suggest you wear a long sleeve shirt for protection.

For more info, contact Jeremy Park at

Every hour of time you donate to a crag helps show land managers that climbers are responsible stewards. Grab some friends and a pair of work gloves and spend a day giving back to the sport you love! We hope to see you there.

Thanks for your support!



Acro Yoga

acro yoga

Yoga, acrobatics, and thai massage are all elements of Acro Yoga. 

4-Class Series – $20 per person
March 22, 29, April 5, 19 – 5:00 pm-6:15 pm
(No class Saturday, April 12th)

Instructor: Patrick Good

A practice that blends elements of yoga, acrobatics and thai massage. You will learn to balance someone else’s body on your feet – called “basing” – to be balanced by someone else – called “flying” – and to spot. This practice plays with elements of control and letting go gracefully in coordination with someone else. You do not need to bring a partner, or have any prior experience, but do bring a light heart, clean clothes and come with a willingness to trust and be trusted.

Cost is only $20 per person for the full 4-class series! (That’s only $5 per class!)

Sign up NOW!

Please note: This workshop series meets 4 Saturdays over 5 weeks.


Crushing Tip #24


Climb Better with Metabolic Training

by: Marissa Lyons

The term “metabolic training” is thrown around quite a bit in the fitness industry but what does it mean, how does it work, and what does it have to do with climbing?  In simplest terms, metabolic training or conditioning refers to exercise methods that will improve or enhance the body’s two main energy systems: aerobic and anaerobic. Use of different work-to-rest ratios during training can call upon these energy systems and cause specific adaptations to improve performance; climbing is a sport that requires use of all three metabolic systems.

Most often when a trainer refers to metabolic training they are referring to high-intensity intervals which target the anaerobic system. While climbing in itself is an effective anaerobic workout it is sometimes difficult to climb routes hard enough, due to technique barriers, to fully challenge your metabolic system and improve your strength and power. Further, the harder and more powerful the route the more often your anaerobic system is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to train your anaerobic system in order to improve your climbing.

Not only is metabolic training important for performance goals, but high-intensity interval training is also the most effective way to burn calories and stay slim. Exercise physiologists have discovered that the traditional long sustained cardio workout only improves the aerobic system while a medium to high-intensity anaerobic workout improves overall metabolism and continues to work long after you leave the gym; often burning extra calories up to two days post workout. By adding full-body interval training to your schedule you will slim down, increase power and endurance. So next time you are thinking of going for a jog, tryout one of our strength classes or ClimbFit workouts instead.

Vertical Limit Competition

Vertical Limit Comp Poster

The Edgeworks staff have been hard at work conjuring up a super fun activity for the April 1st Climbers’ Social and so was born the…


When: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 – competition from 6pm – 9pm

Where: Edgeworks Climbing Gym

Cost: FREE! for members and $5 for guests.

Objective: Climb as many roped routes as you can in the time allowed; the climbers with the most ELEVATION at the end of the competition WIN!

• No repeating routes.
• Bouldering routes do not count.
• No falls or takes.
• Each climber is allowed 3 falls; any more than 3 and the climber is eliminated.
• Honor system; climbers are responsible for recording and reporting their own climbs and falls.

• Beginner: All routes are open.
• Intermediate: 5.8 and up
• Advanced: 5.10 and up

Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each category as well as the overall winner. Overall “team” wins their choice of a ROPE or Quickdraws and individual category winners will receive an Edgeworks t-shirt.

And, as always on Climbers’ Social nights, FREE! beer will be available to all 21 and older, non-climbers and those have hung up their shoes and harness for the night.


Climbing Team Raffle

2014 Team Raffle v3

The Edgeworks Climbing Team is made up of 17 of the most awesome young climbers in the South Puget Sound; led by two outstanding coaches. Whether these kids are crushing it at competitions (regularly taking home 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes) or simply training here in the gym, we are proud to have them as part of the Edgeworks family!

Proceeds from the raffle will directly benefit climbing team purchases of gear, training, and travel.
Drawing will take place during Family Night on Friday, March 28, 2014. Need not be present to win!

Help build and inspire the next generation of climbers. 

Raffle Prizes: 
1st Place: Evolv Climbing Shoes (WINNER: Holly Rydel)
2nd Place: FiveTen Shoes – Quantums or Guide Tennies  (WINNER: Val Philips)
3rd Place: Petzl TIKKA XP Headlamp  (WINNER: James Donley)
4th Place: (2) Petzl DJINN AXESS Quickdraws  (WINNER: Kelsey Wenger)
5th Place: Petzl Beanie & Power Crunch Chalk  (WINNER: David Caccia)
6th Place: $10 Gift Card to Gibson’s Frozen Yogurt  (WINNER: Raphael Giangiulio)

Thank you to everyone who participated in the raffle, especially those of you who purchased tickets and the companies who donated products! Together we raised $236 which will directly support team development, training, and travel.


Fred Beckey Event

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Fred Beckey, world-renowned rock climber, mountaineer and guidebook author returns to Tacoma, Saturday, March 8th at 7pm, UW Tacoma Campus.

This iconic Northwest climber has (arguably) more first ascents than any other climber in history and on Saturday, March 8th, he will share a photographic retrospective of some of the most memorable climbs over his 70+ years of climbing.

After his presentation, Fred will be available for photographs and a book signing, where his classic 3 volume Cascade Alpine Guide series by Mountaineers Books will be available for sale as well as Fred Beckey’s 100 Favorite North American Climbs published by Patagonia Books.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear and meet this living icon! Tickets are only $10 and proceeds benefit the completion of the climbing wall construction at the Tacoma Mountaineers program center in Old Town.

Avoid the service fees, get your tickets at Edgeworks for just $10!

Or at ($11.34 w/ service fee).

Join the Fred Beckey Event on Facebook!


Weekend Yoga Classes

Weekend YOGA Poster

Bring balance and strength to your weekend with our Saturday morning and NEW Sunday evening yoga classes.

Fitness classes are FREE for Edgeworks members and included with Day Pass purchase. Space may be limited so be sure to check-in early for your class.